Ok, change of plans. We will not be playing at Eclectic Geekery Saturday morning. Instead Inspired Unreality open game chat will take place, as usual, at 11:00 AM Central in the gamerplus chat rooms at Tenkar's Tavern on Discord. For more info and a link go here.
So, Saturday morning in the best tradition of DMs everywhere, we're winging it. We may play. We may chat. We will be there. Come and join us if you can.
We are planning on resuming actual play at Eclectic Geekery and on the internet next month.
Sometimes you don't get to do things exactly the way you planned. But there is a silver lining. Our son, DM Carl, is coming to visit. We always have a good time visiting with his family and playing old school D&D. I even cleaned the back porch aka the family room aka the new twitch studio. So that will be great.
Later this weekend we'll have a big family gathering with DM Kier, DM Carl, and DM Hairy Larry all getting together with our families over at Gretchen's house. She's not a DM but both of her sons are. We've got a lot of DMs in our family.
I'd like to say that they're a chip off the old block except they were all DMing way before I took it up. I just love playing too much to want to be the DM. Actually it was creating the Milyagon locale and the Just Quest RPG system that led me to become a DM. And then that led me to Tobbins Shire and our current campaign.
Everyone's going to level up after solving the mystery of Mister Mistmeister. Not only did we save the shire from the mist we found a new home for the acorn people. I wrote this first Tobbins Shire quest up in a booklet including extremely cute acorn people artwork by Dubanci.
You can download the booklet pdf or view it flat at this link.
On the music front, school starts next week and I am already rehearsing for a jazz recital. I wrote two woodwind quintet pieces last term and I hope to get them played too. Stay tuned for links to the recordings.
Here I am practicing my recital repertoire, five original jazz songs.
Please forward this email to your gaming friends and share this link.
Hairy Larry
The Wall