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Saturday Morning Gamer+ Chat

We now have a Gamer+ chat room at Tenkar's Tavern on Discord. In fact there are two of them, a voice chat and a text chat. It works best if you're in both so you can talk and share pics and links at the same time.

Inspired Unreality is our twice a month chat event, 1st and 3rd Saturdays at 11:00 AM CT. 1st Saturday the topic is fantasy and science fiction. 3rd Saturday is open game chat or adventuring with Ari and Caper in Tobbins Shire.

We will have other events including Actual Play and Podcasting. But the chat room is always open. If you're working with someone on Gamer+, in chat or in comment threads, it's cool to take it to Tenkar's Tavern and actually talk about it.


Tenkar's Tavern

Join Server

Join, wait ten minutes, post in the Common Room. Moderators have to approve you before you can post in the other rooms.


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