The Archive Of The White Master - basic D&D - Session 3
Session notes for October 21, 2020
After setting the evil statue on fire we climb back down off the roof and discuss our plans. Everything is up in the air because of seeing that guy in white who might be Marusan.
Caper has an idea on how to relieve Fighter the cleric of her cursed mace.
Leaf casts a sleep spell on her. Caper hooks the mace onto the end of his bow and Ari drips holy water on Fighter's hand. Caper gives a jerk and the mace comes out of her hand. Caper drags it over to the edge of the woods and then they wake Fighter up. She still wants the mace but she can't see it so she puts it out of her mind.
We read in the journal. Marusan was on a quest for eternal life. He made a deal with Moloch. We also find a map of the building folded in half in the book like a bookmark.

Caper looks through the book of magic items trying to find out about the Rod Pann-Severi but he doesn't find anything about it. (yet) We don't have much time because we want to get after that dude in white.
We climb back up on the roof and back down the rope into the temple. The statue is not burned. There is water on it and a path of drips lead to the NW door.
Leaf gathers 12 needles from the room to the south with the needles.
Fighter the cleric goes into the back of the statue. It's real plush. She can see out of the statues eyes. She sees all kinds of levers and tubes with red fluid in them. She pulls on a lever and the statues arm lifts just a bit.
Fighter the cleric entertains the idea of sacrificing a lamb to Moloch so she may still be posessed. She has a plan the involves decapitation. Lots of decapitation.
We enter the room to the West. There are three open coffins. A skeleton stands in each. One of them has a sword.
Jennifer kills the statue with the sword with a single mighty blow of her sword. The skeleton falls apart into a pile of bones and the sword falls onto the floor. It looks real shiny and attractive. Everyone yells "Don't touch it."
Fighter the cleric kills one of the other skeletons with her mace. Ari throws a dagger and misses. Caper misses with his short sword.
The skeleton claws at Jennifer but does no damage. Then the skeleton claws at Fighter the cleric and hurts her badly.
Leaf throws needles and misses. Fighter the cleric hits the skeleton hard killing it with her dagger.
Caper rubs healing salve on Fighter the cleric. Then she casts cure wounds on herself. Back to full health. Yaaaay.
We go north through the door. It's a supply room with fresh supplies. Water and food. There is water on the floor and wet footprints. Looks like just the one dude.
Caper checks for a hidden door to the east. There is no door but it does seem hollow behind the wall.
We explore the other north room. There's a bed, a dresser, and a desk. There are loose pages on the desk written by Marusan. Caper steals the pages.
Jennifer checks under the bed. Nothing there.
Caper checks for a secret door to the east. No door but he's convinced there is a room there. He checks for a secret door behind the statue in the temple.
Caper finds the door. Leaf, Jennifer, and Fighter open the door.
We see a man in a white robe holding a rod. He launches a bolt of magic at Leaf and hurts him. Fighter hits Marusan with a nat 20. Ari hits him with a dagger. Caper applies the rest of the balm to Leaf. Jennifer hits Marusan and kills him.
The Wall