Session notes for October 14, 2020
New Character - Jennifer, a fighter - Liz
We lower the rope down into the temple and climb down. In the temple there are pews or benches, an evil looking statue, and 5 doors. Two to the north on either side of the statue, one each east, west, and south. They are all wood with push down latches. The one to the south is a light brown color. The others are a reddish wood.

The statue has a face like a monkey. On it's chest is a picture of a tree with an eye in the middle of the foliage. The cleric recognizes the statue as Moloch.

We open the door to the south and see needles on the walls for blood sacrifice and a blood stained floor with a red runner carpet leading to the door. Their is an exit door to the south in the needle room.
We are definitely creeped out so we close the door to the south and listen at the west door. We hear scratching.
Leaf and Caper listen at the east door and hear nothing so we check the east door first.
Jennifer opens the door. We see three stone coffins, a door north, and shelves of books.
We check the books which are mostly about magic and history. We find.
Leaf the elf - a spellbook
Fighter the cleric - a book about Moloch
Caper the halfling- a book about magic items
Jennifer hears scratching from the coffins. The middle coffin is marked in gold and white with the symbols of Marusan, the evil wizard.
Jennifer slides back the lid of the left coffin and Leaf reaches in with his sword and kills the skeleton scratching in there. There is a shiny silver and black mace in the coffin with the skeletons broken bones.
Fighter the cleric grabs the mace and tries to fight the skeleton in the right coffin but for some reason she can't hit it. A voice in her head says the skeleton is her friend. It is a cursed mace.
She can't drop the mace. Leaf cannot get the mace from her. Ari sprinkles holy water on the mace but that doesn't help either.
We kill the skeleton in the right coffin and find a book. It is the journal of Marusan's scribe. It mentions the mace and also has a page about Marusan's wife, a sorceress who he loved so much that he gave her the magic rod, Pann-Severi.
The middle coffin is empty. No Marusan entombed.
We hear a dripping noise. It's coming from the south. When we open the door we see that a needle has been used and it is dripping fresh blood. Super Creepy.
Leaf really hates the Moloch statue so we devise a plan to burn it. We pour oil all over it. We climb the rope to the roof and throw it back over the side so we can climb back down on the outside of the building. Caper lights a torch and gets ready to throw it on the statue. Everyone sees a door open on the back of the statue and a dude dressed in white runs out and escapes through one of the north doors. Caper throws the torch in and burns the statue.
The party climbs off the roof to reconnoiter, read the books, and decide what to do next.
The Wall