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Setting Up A Twitch Studio - Checklists from hairylarry's blog


A procedure document outlines in detail how to accomplish a task. In my career in office automation I wrote a lot of procedure documents. When you're at a workplace with turnover procedure documents provide continuity when personnel changes. They can be used to train new employees and then the new employees can refer to the procedure document until they learn how to do the task.

In your own technical creative projects you probably don't really need procedure documents. They are a lot of work to make, very detailed, and you are probably not going to be training new employees because you probably don't have employees.

A checklist is a different beast. Each item on a checklist reminds you of the next thing to do so you don't skip steps. You just start at the top and continue down the list until you're done.

On my checklist, some of the items, like uploading the videos to the Live Music Archive, take a long time. So after that checklist item I place an = (equal sign) to signify a multitasking opportunity.

I look down the list for an = in the left column and I can continue there, doing other items on the list until the upload is complete. After the upload is done I can finish the skipped part of the list. The part that needed the upload to be completed to continue.

If there's just an = without an = in the left column below, that means there is a multitacking opportunity here to do something entirely different like cook or take a nap. When I upload to Youtube it takes awhile but I can't really start the promotion without having the Youtube video ready. So, take a break, read some news on the internet, or whatever.

You can (and should) devise your own notation for your checklist. Your project and promotion will have different steps and needs. Different opportunities for multitasking. Figure out what works for you.

Checklists with actual check boxes are commonly used in manual procedures but you don't need check boxes on your checklist. I mean I know the task I just finished so I just do the next item on the list.

Production checklists soon become memorized, perhaps because when you skip a step it usually results in extra work. Promotion checklists, however, are really helpful, because most web promotion is a series of independent tasks and it's really easy to forget one and miss out on that promotion.

Your tasks will be different and your promotion will be different so your checklists will be different. Checklists are a useful tool in many endeavors but especially useful for tech creators.

Here's a sample checklist that I use after I produce the video excerpts from my twitch stream (the top item on the list). The first half is uploading and adding details to the upload sites. The second half is promotion of the uploaded content.

- edit and render videos in Openshot
- rename videos with an NN_ prefix in chronological order
- capture a screen shot
- scale the screen shot
- create list.txt listing the numbered songs
- copy and edit notes.txt changing the date and updating the list
- convert mp4 files to mp3s in VLC
- normalize the mp3s in mp3DirectCut
- rename mp3 files
- upload audio item to the Live Music Archive
- upload video item to the Live Music Archive =
- update metadata in audio item
- bookmark audio item
- add audio item to kgpl
- add audio item to mixremix radio in /radio/TWStream

- create playlist on peertube
- make public and assign to
- copy playlist link
- refresh 2x
- use song.txt to create description
- change playlist link in song.txt
- change date in song.txt
- upload mp4 files to peertube, in order
- search and replace song title in song.txt
- fill out screen
- wait for publish button =
- copy the share link
- edit description adding share link
- save to playlist
- after all the files are uploaded check the playlist
- upload to Youtube
- use song text for description =

- promote youtube and peertube playlist
- allow several hours between promotions
- always use the peertube text for description
- share youtube on facebook and twitter from youtube share panel
- share youtube on friendica
- share to hairylarryland tumblr
- reblog that post everywhere
- share on reddit freeculture and creativecommons
- share on hairylarryland Discord
- share to MixRemix and Hairy Larry Rocks
- post to - youtube link and text from peertube
- Add youtube to Hairy Larry Rocks Links
- Add playlist to Hairy Larry Rocks Links

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By hairylarry
Added Aug 30 '21


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