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The Archive Of The White Master - basic D&D - Session 7 from hairylarry's blog

Session notes for December 1, 2020

We go back to town to see Burt the blacksmith. He's a big strong man with a large moustache and a bald head.

Leaf talks to Burt about his armor. He says he will reinforce his armor and design a leaf on it for 20 GP.

I talk to Burt about dismantling the statues. He and his sons, Bart and Barry, are willing to help. They ain't got no truck with evil. We will leave in the morning.

We go to see Longo Shotins the halfling fletcher and bowyer. Leaf purchases a bow and arrows for 45 GP.

The next morning we set off for The Archive taking the long road around the forest. The blacksmiths are in a horse drawn cart with their tools.

When we get there we enter through the front door and check things out. Nothing has changed. Marusan has not returned. The skeletons have not reformed. The glass golem skylight is still in place.

Burt tries to break the stone statues with his big hammer. This doesn't mark them. Leaf detects magic and both stone statues, the large metal statue, and the skylight are all infused with magic. Since Burt can't break the stone statues he takes his sons to dismantle the metal statue.

Leaf uses the Rod Of Pan-Severi on the stone statues. A whirlwind springs from the rod but it doesn't hurt the statues.

Leaf tries the rod again. This time the rod makes Leaf smaller. He is only 2 feet tall, shorter than Caper.

Leaf tries the rod again and nothing happens. The rod is smaller too since Leaf was holding it. Wondering if he wore it out he tries again and 17 gems fly out of the end of the rod and bounce off the statue not hurting it in any way. Since the rest of the party has left the room, wary of the rod, Leaf pockets the 17 gems.

Leaf tries again. Now he's about 2 inches tall. A tiny little Leaf.

Caper comes to check on Leaf and finds him 2 inches tall. Leaf tries the rod again and a poison green gas fills the room. Caper saves with a nat 20.

Caper picks up tiny Leaf to see if he can crawl in the statue's earhole. Nope, the statue is all solid rock.

Tiny Leaf tries the rod again. No luck. Nothing happens.

Ari pours holy water on the neck of the statue and then Burt takes a mighty swing with his big hammer and busts his head off.

Caper thinks there might be a trap door or something hidden by the statues. He ties his rope around the head of the other statue and the blacksmiths pull it over revealing only floor.

Ari pours holy water on the neck of the prone statue and Burt busts it's head off.

The party goes up on the roof and the blacksmiths bust out the skylight with their hammers. A chromatic being forms in the air in front of us. Then the color slowly bleeds out of him into the sky and he disappears.

Ari detects magic and there is no magic left in the archive. The blacksmiths can now bust up the stone statues and we carry the gravel to the creek. The blacksmiths load the metal into the cart to take to Father Abraham to see if this metal is now safe to use.

It's late in the day so we make camp. We eat and sleep setting watches. Nothing happens in the night. In the morning Leaf is back to his normal size. Checking the Archive the skylight is not back and there is still no sign of Marusan.

We take stones from the creek and stuff them in the hole in the wall leading to the jail cell. We break camp and get ready to go back to Birkenstock.

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By hairylarry
Added Dec 7 '20


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