Gamer+ News March 23, 2020
Tonight on Inspired Unreality, open game chat, our starting topic will be playing online. Inspired Unreality is held in the gamerplus chatrooms at Tenkar's Tavern on discord. It starts at 9:00 PM Central time. Anyone can suggest a new topic anytime and all gaming is on topic.
Our favorite game reviewer, ZDL, has posted Fringe Review: High Adventure Role Playing (HARP). She says, "HARP is, in its entirety, a 192-page softcover book. It has a very attractive (though also very late-90s, early-00s) piece of full colour cover art. The book itself is purely black & white on plain, matte paper stock."
Here's the link to her review.
She just added another one on Corps so I'm looking forward to reading it even as I send out the link.
FollowMeAndDie posted a great spell.
"Magic item:
Flagon Of Inebriation
This is a cursed item. It renders any liquid the cursed being drinks as intoxicants. Anyone else has clear fresh water. All disease, etc. is removed.
For those who love drink, the curse gives them only water, & everyone else the finest ales.
The being subject to the curse can only drink from the flagon. They always can find it, even if other hide it from them.
They lose one point of constitution for every day they can't drink from the flagon."
Here's the link so you can bookmark it.
I can see where a Flagon Of Inebriation could be great fun around the table.
So are you, like me, having trouble adjusting to the new reality? Or like so many are you taking advantage of too much me time to express yourself in creative ways. Let me know what you've been doing, we can discuss it tonight on Inspired Unreality or post it in next week's Gamer+ News.
Stay Well,
Hairy Larry
The Wall