Gamer+ News December 23, 2019
It's not Christmas Eve but it's close. So for our Inspired Unreality open game chat tonight the initial topic will be games as gifts. Inspired Unreality is held in the gamerplus chatrooms at Tenkar 's Tavern on Discord.
In a very special review ZDL covers 1PG/Hero Force and then she discusses RobboG's supplement, "Hero Force Giant Size Super Special" including Victory City. So we have a Gamer+ gamer reviewing a supplement written by a Gamer+ gamer.
Here's the review.
And here's a link to GSSS at Drive Thru RPG.
Starting January 20 we will be hosting the Related To Geeks Book Club. Our first book will be "The Tower Of The Elephant" by Robert E. Howard, one of the first Conan adventures.
Here's a link to our schedule for January, February, March, 2020.
So ... Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
Hairy Larry
The Wall