Inspired Unreality! Saturday, May 20. Live from Eclectic Geekery in Walnut Ridge, Arkansas. Adventure with us in Tobbins Shire. Join Ari and Caper for breakfast and then we'll see where that leads. We'll explore the shire or explore the woods. Maybe even find a cave. It's all up to the players.
Cast of characters:
Arimeth (Ari) - A human healing witch who has been working with the Milyagon witch brewing teas.
Tude - Ari's wildcat. A pet, not a familiar, Tude comes to Ari's waist and is a formidable defender. Tude only speaks cat but is very intelligent, possibly more intelligent than most humans.
Caper Tobbins - Ari's sidekick, a halfling bard and the DM PC.
Insert your character here. It literally takes 2 minutes to create a character in Just Quest. Honestly, the most time consuming part is making up the PC's name.
Get your character sheet here.
We are going to try a hybrid game, around the table and on the internet. If you can't make it to Eclectic Geekery join us on Inspired Unreality.
Inspired Unreality is held every Saturday morning at 11:00 AM Central in the gamerplus chatrooms at Tenkar's Tavern on Discord. More info in the right sidebar here.
Here's a link to the Just Quest rules minizine.
Here's a link to the Gamer+ Group, Tales Of Milyagon, including some session summaries from recent games.
And one more Milyagon link, "Yon Rogar’s Hat" a short story I wrote about Wilken Woods, the magic forest that lies between Milyagon and Tobbins Shire.
Please forward this email to your gaming friends and share this link.
Hairy Larry
The Wall