Tonight! Inspired Unreality! Open game chat at 9:00 Central in the gamerplus chatrooms at Tenkar's Tavern on Discord. Our opening topic will be magic systems. ZDL mentioned the Native American influences in Gunnerkrigg and it got me to thinking about how a magic system based on Native American folklore would work. Spirituality, talking to animals, sweat lodges, drugs, transmutation. Magic systems are a fascinating part of RPGs and fantasy literature. Join us tonight for an interesting discussion.
As always bring your own topic. All gaming is on topic. If you have never been to Tenkar's Tavern we have an invite for you here.
ZDL and I have been writing about webcomics and we both found some interesting new (to us) work to read. Are you into webcomics?
TabletopBellhop posted a New Podcast - Sean's Birthday AMA. Topics include: Our favourite roll & writes, birthday gaming memories, games that make new music, post-pandemic gaming, the best pizza in the world, Kickstarters we can't wait to deliver and more!
New in my non-gaming world I am almost done with my book, "Beginning Algorithmic Composition", and I started work on a website to host it.
Also I am gathering together all my stuff setting up a studio for a twitch stream. Twitch is all about gaming but I'm doing something different. A twitch stream where I practice piano. I am viewing it as a live stream and a video production environment. We shall see!?! Eventually.
Be sure to update me with what's new in your life. Contact info is below or even better, post your latest interests on Gamer+.
Hairy Larry
The Wall