TheEvilDM pointed out that email notifications weren't working so I googled around and found out about a cron job that takes care of that and other stuff.
I checked the cron jobs for Gamer+ and sure enough, there it was, trying to run a program on So I changed that to and sure enough, email notifications started working.
So, you might be getting some email notifications. And you might not want to get email notifications.
In the upper right corner there is a dropdown menu with your username on it. Pick My Preferences. Then pick Mail Notifications. You can fine tune which notifications you want to get. This will control the notifications that you get in your Notifications menu, right next to your username in the upper right.
I left these all on because that little Notifications menu helps me keep up with my discussions on Gamer+.
Scroll down to the bottom of that page and you will find a section called, Also send by email.
So you can set it to Immediately if you want to receive an email as soon as someone responds to your post.
You can set it to Never it you would rather not receive notification emails at all.
And in the middle is the wonderful "Automatically (if you don't show up on the site for 2 days)". In other words, don't send me emails if I'm on Gamer+ checking them myself. But if I get busy for a few days I appreciate the reminders.
Additionally on the My Preferences screen there is a General tab where you can set your timezone and subscribe/unsubscribe from the Gamer+ newsletter. We haven't sent one of these yet but we probably will sometime. In fact a weekly email isn't a bad idea. Think I'll start that today.
So you can turn that off too if you want to.
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